2024 Issue 8. Images of teachers and students in ancient tradition (*.pdf)
The theme of the eighth issue is “Images of the teacher and student in the ancient tradition”. The history of pedagogical culture is like a whimsical kaleidoscope of images of teachers and students: great and ordinary, divine and secular, similar and very different. Socrates, one of the most extraordinary figures of the ancient era, asserted that not everyone can be both a teacher and a student. This assertion continues to resonate in modern pedagogical discourse, where teachers and students have acquired new rights and responsibilities.
Contents of the eighth issue (*.pdf)
Preface (*.pdf)
Section 1. Scholarly paths of great and ordinary
Likeness of an Athenian tyrannical son. Young Hipocrates in Plato's Protagoras (Àngel Pascual-Martin) (*.pdf) [In English] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2024-8-8-14-35 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Ancient Greek theater as a school for the city: why Socrates was not a theatergoer (Victoria Pichugina) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2024-8-8-36-54 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Galen as representative of Greek paideia of the second sophistic era
(Irina Prolygina) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2024-8-8-55-73 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Section 2. Divine teachers and their students
The concept of the soul of Christian teachers of the Early Church (Alexey Kargaltsev) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2024-8-8-74-88 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Christ as Teacher in classical European iconography (Zinaida A. Lurie) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2024-8-8-89-109 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Section 3.Teacher's image in the context of historiography
Macrobius in english-language research (Maya Petrova) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2024-8-8-110-134 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Augustine's Literary Legacy as Research Focus in Contemporary Scholarship (Philipp Petrov) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2024-8-8-135-167 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Breviarium rerum gestarum populi romani in Russian and foreign historiography: concerning Festus' sources (Ekaterina Buzdalina) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2024-8-8-168-183 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
2023 Issue 7. Sophists and education (*.pdf)
The theme of the issue is “Sophists and Education”. The question of whether the sophists were unique mentors can be called eternal. The multitude of definitions of the sophists and their numerous typologies have opened and continue to open many paths for seeking answers.The issue focuses on the activities of representatives of the first and second sophistics, as well as the “sophistic echo” that rolled through the centuries and reflected on the scientific and educational tradition in the 21st century.
Contents of the seventh issue (*.pdf)
Preface (*.pdf)
Section 1. Sophists as teachers, and their students
Education in the city through laughter and tears: sophistic speeches in Euripides' “Medea” and Aristophanes' “Clouds” (Victoria Pichugina) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-16-44 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Pepaideumenos, or What it means to be educated in the era of the Second Sophistic (Elena Alymova) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-45-58 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
A pagan sophist and Christian bishops: correspondence between Libanius and Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, and Optimus, Bishop of Antioch in Pisidia. Translation and Comments (Nikolai Winogradow) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract]10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-59-74 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Section 2. Sophistry and the rhetorical educational ideal
Apologist Arnobius, a Christian rhetorician from Sicca Veneria (Alexey Kargaltsev) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract]10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-75-89 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Educating the sovereign: court teachers of the heirs of the roman emperors of the late 4th century – the first half of the 5th century (Michail Vedeshkin)(*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract]10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-90-146 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
On Galen's medical rhetoric (Irina Prolygina) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract]10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-147-158 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Section 3. The multifaceted nature of sophistry: retrospective and prospective approaches
Sophists in humanistic and reformation propaganda (Zinaida Lurie) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract]10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-159-181 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Sophistry in the writings of Miguel De Unamuno: between politics and pedagogy (Astine Ovsepyan) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract]10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-182-192 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Midrash and sophism in the context of transformation scientific and educational traditions in the 21st century (Alexander Bermous) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract]10.32880/2587-7127-2023-7-7-193-218 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
2022 Issue 6. Medical Education in Antiquity(*.pdf)
The theme of the issue is "Medical Education in Antiquity." The issue consists of three parts and brings together articles on the ways of accumulating and transferring medical knowledge in the space of the ancient city. The following questions are covered in this issue: medical education and ancient mythological history, the pedagogical aspect of ancient body care, diseases and methods of educational therapy, the great teachers of medicine, their educational texts and/or the medical schools they founded, the theory and practice of studying medicine in the ancient world, features of the philosophical and pedagogical consideration of the medical landscape of Antiquity. This issue is conceptually linked to the first academic seminar on the history of pedagogical culture organized by the Department of Humanities of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (November 8, 2021).
Contents of the sixth issue (*.pdf)
Preface (*.pdf)
Section 1. Accumulation and transfer of medical knowledge in Antiquity
On the Role of Research Travel in Medical Education in the 2nd – 3d Centuries AD (Irina V. Prolygina) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2022-6-6-17-39 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
On Medicine, Physicians, and Healers in Ancient Rome (Maya S. Petrova) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2022-6-6-40-77 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Section 2. The great teachers of medicine
Cheiron as a Mentor in Medicine to Achilles and Asclepius: the Pedagogical Mission of an Urban Centaur (Victoria K. Pichugina) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2022-6-6-78-104 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Iatrosophist Zeno and Medical Schools of Alexandria in the Fourth Century (Michail A. Vedeshkin) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2022-6-6-105-128 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Section 3. Disesse in Antiouity from the perspective of archaeology, philology and history of pedagogy
“Plague” in Thucydides and its Impact on Paideia (Andrej Yu. Mozhajsky) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2022-6-6-129-144 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Plague of Cyprian: Christians in the Urban Environment in the Era of Persecution and Epidemics (Alexey V. Kargaltsev) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2022-6-6-145-157 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Forms of Plague in Procopius of Caesarea (Procop. De bellis. IV.14) and Evagrius Scholasticus (Evagrius. Hist. ecc. IV.29): On the Development of Clinical Medicine in the Eastern Roman Empire in the Fourth Century (Anton V. Zibaev, Valentina F. Zhukova) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2022-6-6-158-186 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
2021 Issue 5. Educational Texts in Antiquity (*.pdf)
The theme of the fifth issue is "Educational Texts in Antiquity". This issue reveals what ancient Greeks and Romans as well as people living in the territory of entire ancient oecumene were reading and cramming up to the 6th century AD.
The tourth issue is available in libraries receiving a compulsory copy through the Russian book chamber, the library of the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, the library of the Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University, the library of the Higher School of Economics.
Contents of the fifth issue (*.pdf)
Preface (.pdf*)
Section 1. "Works of pedagogues". Educational texts and their authors
Ancient didactic astronomical texts (Andrew V. Fesenko) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-19-42 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Refiguring Odysseus’ Apologue in Plato’s Protagoras (Àngel Pascual-Martin)(*.pdf) [In English] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-43-63 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Unknown Ancient sources of Byzantine military treatises (Alexander K. Nefyodkin) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-64-82 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
On the translation of Donatus' Ars Grammatica (I.1-6) (Maya S. Petrova (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-83-99 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Section 2. "Works of students". Educational texts and their addresses.
Hippias’s “Collection” — a handbook for a man of wisdom (Roman V. Svetlov) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-100-112 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
The influence of Xenophon’s didactic writings on the military
leadership practice of Alexander the Great (Аlexander А. Kleymeonov) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-113-140 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Galen. On bones for beginners (Irina V. Prolygina) (*.pdf) [In Russian] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-141-171 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Section 3. "Works of the descendants". Educational texts from the perspective of archaeology, philology and history of pedagogy
Thebes, Amphiaraus and Alcmaeon in Pindar’s Pythian 8: instruction to the winner (Andrej Yu. Mozhajsky) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-172-190 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Cicero’s writings as learning texts for humanities students: from Augustus Wilkins to Cicero Digitalis (Victoria Pichugina, Emiliano Mettini, Yana Volkova) (*.pdf) [In English] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-191-213 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Juan Luis Vives on the use of Ancient literature in education
(Nina V. Revyakina) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-214-235 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
Social upbringing and an example of Antiquity in the writings of J.J. Rousseau (Sergey V. Zanin) (*.pdf) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2021-5-5-236-247 Abstract and keywords (*.pdf)
List of contributors (*.pdf)
Section 1. Traditions of educating and upbringing of a warrior in Greece and Rome Section 2. Combat training in ancient Greece Section 3. Upbringing of a warrior from the perspective of archaeology, philology and history of pedagogy Translations of contemporary research papers List of contributors (*.pdf) The third issue is available in libraries receiving a compulsory copy through the Russian book chamber, as well as in the library of Martin Luter University of Halle-Wittenberg (Collegienstraße, 62a, Lutherstadt Wittenberg), library of University of Lisbon, the library of University of Coimbra (General Library of the University of Coimbra, Largo da Porta Férrea, 3000-447 Coimbra), the library of University of Porto (Reitoria da U.Porto, Praça Gomes Teixeira, 4099-002 Porto, Portugal), the library of University of Warsaw (Dobra 56/66, 00-312 Warszawa), the library of Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce), the library of the Pedagogical Institute of Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Romana Ingardena 3, Kraków), the library of the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, The library of Moscow Pedagogical State University, the library of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, the library of the Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University, the library of the Kalmyk State University, the library of the Higher School of Economics, the Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Maxim Gorky. Contents of the third issue (*.pdf) Section 1. Educational practices of Late Antiquity Michael A. Vedeshkin. The missing link of the «Golden Chain»: Aedesius and the neoplatonic school of Pergamon [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-13-59 Section 2. Time and space of education in Late Antiquity Ivan A. Mirolyubov. On the education of the sons of Constantine the Great [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-146-160 Translations of contemporary research papers (Preface) (.pdf*) Translated articles The theme of the first issue is Mark Tullius Cicero’s concept of education through culture. Numerous sources reflecting Cicero’s life and career allow us to conclude that the general view of the Roman pedagogy formed in posterity is largely due to Cicero. Cicero’s vision of the educational ideal and the ways to achieve it were associated with the aspiration to “cultivate the soul” (“cultura animi”) and formed the basis for the Western pedagogical tradition of "educating through culture," thus defining the phrase "humane pedagogy" for many centuries ahead. Cicero understood education through culture not only as a kind of educational achievement, but also as a set of thinking and behavioral strategies developed by the mentor in the pupil, which will allow the latter to carry out educational design of himself in the future. Despite the considerable amount of general and special works devoted to various aspects of Cicero's heritage, the question of whom he wrote them for and what he wanted to achieve by resorting to the form of presentation with a special arrangement of semantic emphasis is still open. Regardless of whom he was directly addressing (a friend, a companion, a representative of a particular philosophical school, the senate, the court or Roman people), Cicero often clothed his arguments in the form of precepts. He outlined ways and means not to lose, but to find oneself through education relevant to human nature, his humanitas. In all subsequent epochs, this kind of pedagogical reflection has been historically specific, but it has not lost its connection with the meaning found in Cicero’s writings. Identifying the heuristic and methodological potential of Cicero's heritage requires an interdisciplinary evaluation of that peculiar kind of dialogue which Cicero initiated with the ancient Greek tradition of intellectual and political education. The authors of this issue invite the reader not only to follow the logic of the formation, development and practical embodiment of Cicero’s educational ideal and its further manifestation in other epochs and cultures, but also to rethink some fundamental educational ideas in the history of pedagogical culture. The issue presents the results of scientific research activities of researchers and teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions from Volgograd, Kaluga, Kamyshin, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Saratov, St. Petersburg, and two universities of USA. The first issue is available in libraries receiving a compulsory copy through the Russian book chamber, Central Scientific Library of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as in the Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Maxim Gorky. Section 1. Mark Tullius Cicero on the education of decent Section 2. The cultured concept of Cicero Section 3. Reception of pedagogical ideas of Cicero by subsequent epochs and cultures Translations of contemporary research2020 Issue 4. Education of a warrior in Greece and Rome ?(.*pdf)
The theme of the fourth issue is "Education of a warrior in Greece and Rome". In the Greek and Roman cultures, military prowess and military skills were viewed as decisive factors of what it meant to be a citizen and, in general, a Greek or a Roman. Military memorabilia and trophies were everywhere: on monuments and tombs, in the sculptural decoration of temples and even in the dining halls of private houses, where offensive and defensive weapons hung on the walls, and elegant dishes were decorated with military scenes. The military theme was present in the theater and at the popular assembly, in councils and courts, in markets and at funerals. Antique education always went hand in hand not only with physical education, but also with “literary education,” which implied the study of Homer and other poets who praised military prowess. It was the Latin word “virtus” that, along with the ancient Greek word “ἀρετή”, characterized a man and suggested civil and military service to the state. The fourth issue will be devoted to the pedagogical dimension of military conflicts, the themes of war and peace in the tragedies and comedies by mentors-playwrights (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Terence, etc.), as well as the specifics of the military leader and ephebe education, which is reflected in the material culture and a wide range of texts (Plato and Xenophon’s dialogues, Cicero’s speeches and letters, Herodotus and Thucydides’ writings, the texts by Varro, Onesandrus, Josephus, Vegetius, etc.).
The tourth issue is available in libraries receiving a compulsory copy through the Russian book chamber, the library of the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, the library of the Higher School of Economics.
Preface (*.pdf)
Contents of the fourth issue (*.pdf)
D M et memoriae Vitaliy BEZROGOV (September 16, 1959 – November 14, 2019) (*.pdf)
Zoia А. Barzakh. Tyrtaeus, the king of Assyria: Xenophon’s “Cyropaedia” and education of warriors in Sparta [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2019-4-4-25-40
Roman V. Svetlov. Training for courage — the version of Nicias [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2019-4-4-41-56
Vladimir M. Tyulenev. Military education in ostrogothian Italy (at the turn of 5th – 6th centuries) [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2019-4-4-57-73
Steven Ross Murray. “Won by the Spear”: the importance of the Dory to the Ancient Greek warrior [In English] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2019-4-4-74-88
Аlexander А. Kleymenov. “How the steel was tempered”: the system of training the Macedonian phalangites in the epoch of Philip II and Alexander the Great [In Russian with English abstract] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2019-4-4-89-120
Victoria K. Pichugina. The shield as pedagogical tool in Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes [In English] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2019-4-4-121-170
Andrej Yu. Mozhajsky. The myth of the War of the Seven and Pausanias’ educational topography [In English] DOI: 10.32880/2587-7127-2019-4-4-171-206
Xenophontos S. Military space and paideia in the Lives of Pyrrhus and Marius (trans. from English into Russian by Andrej Yu. Mozhajsky) DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2019-4-4-207-2232019 Issue 3.Education in Late Antiquity ?(.*pdf)
The theme of the third issue is "Education in Late Antiquity". The period of Late Antiquity was a time of rapid transformation of all spheres of social life, the emergence of new and the development of old cultural and religious traditions. In the era of the decline of the Roman Empire the traditions of ancient education experienced their last floutish, marked by activities of such outstanding mentors as Libanius and Choricius, Marius Victorinus and Themistius, Ausonius Hymerius, the functioning of such important educational centers as the schools Athens, Alexandria, Gaza, Burdigala, Beritus. We dedicate the third issue of "Hypothekai" to the studies of a wide range of factors that provided this socio-cultural phenomenon and the interaction of old and new elements of the education life of the Mediterranean world III - VII centuries.
Maya S. Petrova. Donatus’ Ars grammatica and educational practices of Late Antiquity: Sergius — Cledonius — Pompeius [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-60-86
Viktoria K. Pichugina. Homo Ineptus or Homo Sapiens: Joannes Stobaeus and his “universal knowledge” in the educational space of Late Antiquity [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-87-103
Nikolay N. Bolgov, Anna M. Bolgova. Priscian grammarian and his heritage [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-104-120
Attachment. Priscian. Fragments [trans. from Latin into Russian and notes by Nikolay N. Bolgov and Anna M. Bolgova] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-121-145
Alexey V. Kargaltsev. African hagiography in the mid-3d century as pedagogical text. [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-161-172
Evgenia S. Zaitseva. Education in a late roman senatorial family: classical canon and christian ideal [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-121-173-199
Nadezhda P. Volkova. Philosophical education according to Plato and Plotinus [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-200-222
Section 3. Mentor schools and school mentors in Late Antiquity from the perspective of archaeology,philology and history of pedagogy
Vitaly G. Bezrogov. From white class walls to wax on tablets: image of school in Late Antique educational texts [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-223-249
Andrej Yu. Mozhajsky. Reflection of the educational space of Early Christian Boiotian Thebes (4–6 AD) in the material culture [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-250-277
Tatyana L. Aleksandrova. Educational policy of Theodosius II and the fate of Auditorium of Constantinople [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-278-300
Michael A. Vedeshkin. Edward Watts and modern research in Late Antiquity education [Сomment in Russian] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-301-305
Edward Watts. Speaking, Thinking, and Socializing: Education in Late Antiquity [trans. into Russian and notes by M. Vedeshkin] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-3-3-306-3382018 Issue 2. Teaching through the theater and in the theater: ancient pedagogy of the stage ?(.*pdf)
The theme of the second issue is "Teaching through the theater and in the theater: ancient pedagogy of the stage". Ancient culture was marked by a love for theatrical performances which always found their audience and exerted educational influence on them through their scale, rituality, and the very opportunity to express oneself in public. For the first time in the history of pedagogy, in the works of ancient thinkers living in different periods of ancient history, it is emphasized that the theater was a school for adults and adolescents, where the audience were taught the correct understanding of events through the demonstration of the approved patterns of thinking and behavior. The works of ancient playwrights of different periods are not only a reflection of the poets’ critical views on the contemporary educational system, but they also represent attempts to visualize ideal educational practices. The second issue is available in libraries receiving a compulsory copy through the Russian book chamber, as well as in The Blegen Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (54 Souidias Street, GR-106 76, Athens, Greece), The library of the Athens Department of the Deutsches Archäogisches Institut (Fidiou 1, 10678, Athens, Greece), The library of French School at Athens (École française d’Athènes) (6 Didotou Street, 10680 Athens, Greece), The library of the Rome Department of the Deutsches Archäogisches Institut (Via Valadier 37, 00193 Rom), The library at the Head Office of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Bibliothek der Zentrale, Berlin Podbielskiallee, 69-71, 14195 Berlin, Deutschland), University Library of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Dorotheenstraße 24, Hegelplatz 10117 Berlin), University Library of Freie Universitat Berlin (Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18, 14195 Berlin), Martin Luter University of Halle-Wittenberg (August-Bebel-Straße 13/50, 06108 Halle (Saale)), University Library of Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Piazza Università, 1, 39100 Bolzano BZ), The library of Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, The library of Lobachevsky University, The library of Moscow Pedagogical State University, the Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Maxim Gorky.
Contents of the second issue (.pdf*)
Section 1. Theater as a School for the Mature and Maturing
Igor E. Surikov. What did Sophocles’ “Dilogy” about Oedipus teach? [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-17-33
Victoria K. Pichugina. Pedagogical Dreams of the Past in the Tragedies by Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles about Eteocles and Polyneices: Paradoxes of Brotherly Hatred [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-34-53
Tatyana A. Bobrovnikova. An exemplum Play by Plautus [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-54-63
Sophia Papaioannou. The Pedagogical Attraction of Terentian Dramaturgy [In English]. DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-64-78
Section 2. Ancient Upbringing by Theatrical Performances in the Perspective of Acheology, Philosopy, Philology and History of Pedagogy
Andrej Yu. Mozhajsky. The rivers and the gates of Thebes in the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, as the educational landscape of the city [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-79-96
Marco Germani. The Theatre of Chaeronea and Rectilinear Koila [In English] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-97-105
Larisa B. Poplavskaya. Dionysus Chooses Aeschylus [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-106-130
Konstantin I. Dugar, Alexander A. Sanzhenakov. Helen of Troy in Euripides’ Tragedies [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-131-142
Maya S. Petrova. Symposium as a Theater. The Mise en Scène of “The Sarurnalia” [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-143-162
Section 3. The Multifaceted Nature of the Ancient Theatre: Retrospective and Prospective Approaches
Maria A. Polyakova. Pedagogy of the Scene and Theatricalization of the School: Two Sides of the Educational Process [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-163-173
Zinaida A. Lurie. Classical Theater and Christian School: the Theater of the German Humanists in the 15-16th Centuries [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-174-183
Svetlana M. Mashevskaya. The Image of Antique Philosopher Diogenes in John Amos Comenius' Play for XVII Century School Theatre [In Russian with English abstract] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-184-201
Morgan T. J. Literate Education in Classical Athens [transl. into Russian by V. Pichugina] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-204-229
Cribiore R. The Grammarian's Choice: the Popularity of Euripides' Phoenissae in Hellenistic and Roman Education [transl. into Russian by V. Pichugina] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-231-250
Wiles D. Education for Citizenship: the Uses of Antigone [transl. into Russian by Ya. Volkova] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-252-259
Toliver H.M. The Terentian Doctrine of Education [transl. into Russian by Ya. Volkova, V. Pichugina] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2018-2-2-261-2732017 Issue 1. Mark Tullius Cicero’s concept of education through culture ?(.*pdf)
Preface (.pdf*)
Contents of the first issue (.pdf*)
Victoria K. Pichugina. Greek Household Academies of the Roman Intellectual: the Pedagogical Dimension of Cicero's Letters [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-9-32
Tatyana A. Bobrovnikova. The image of an ideal speaker in Cicero [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-33-43
Yana A. Volkova. The subject of education of a citizen in the works of Cicero [In Russian, pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-44-58
Victoria K. Pichugina, Karina Vorobyeva. Self-education of poetry and theater in the works of Cicero [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-59-76
Lyudmila N. Aksenovskaya. The nature of gods and the nature of people: the function of the ideal in the ethical-semantic program of ancient culture [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-77-105
Vladimir O. Nikishin. Place and role of the Hellenistic culture in the humanitarian concept of Cicero [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-106-128
Ekaterina A. Kozlovtseva. Ecophilosophical concept of education of Mark Tullius Cicero [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-129-142
Marina K. Vetoshkina. Education of the military and political leader in the ancient Greek and Roman realities: versions of Xenophon and Cicero [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-143-161
Vitaly G. Bezrogov. Antique apprenticeship in the understanding of Cicero and his Christian interpreters [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-162-190
Maria A. Polyakova. Cicero's Treatise on Obligations and the Problem of its Reception in the Pedagogical Heritage of the XVI Century [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-191-205
Alexander G. Bermus. To the problem of thinking and speech (on the example of the text of Cicero "On the Orator") [In Russian, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-206-229
J. Jackson Barlow. Education policy in the work of Cicero “On the State” [trans. into Russian by N.Lazareva, V. Pichugina, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-231-256
Walter J. Nikgorski. Cicero on education: humanizing sciences [trans. into Russian by Ya. Volkova, V. Pichugina, .pdf*] DOI:10.32880/2587-7127-2017-1-1-258-280